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Windows 8 Metro has gone ...

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As a writer, I understand the theory of IP and why it exists... but the practice sucks!

Stoic Joker:
They were probably hoping for a payout... I can't see any other reason they would wait so long.  Or is that overly cynical...
-wraith808 (August 03, 2012, 07:49 AM)
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+1 - These days I don't thing there is any such thing as being "overly cynical". We're getting down to the point where all there is left is sheep and skeptics.

As a writer, I understand the theory of IP and why it exists... but the practice sucks!
-wraith808 (August 03, 2012, 11:33 AM)
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I hear you! I'm in pretty much the same boat. However, claiming ownership of things like basic physical principles, portions of mathematics, and individual words demonstrates that the state of IP (copyright and patent) is now flawed, and in all likelihood, flawed beyond repair.

We need some sanity. My fear is that we don't get it... :(


We need some sanity. My fear is that we don't get it... :(
-Renegade (August 03, 2012, 12:23 PM)
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Some sanity? Never fear Renegade. We won't get it. ;D

Suggested new name: DeskMet (see my post with screenshot there)


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