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Looking for a FREE pdf compressor tool

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This discussion remainds me of trying to do the same to lotus files years ago (late 1980's).

There were a few shareware ad freeware programs that could do a reasonable job....  but when I found a program called "sqz!" I was able to get 95% reductions in file size!

.... which helped me immensely when emailing squeezed files using a dial up connection. 

Hello everyone!

I just discovered this post and I wanted to ask if you can have a look at our small online tool we recently developed.
It seems like there are very informed, active members in this forum and I wanted to ask if you can have a look at it and maybe give us some feedback.

Here is the link: - online pdf compression tool

I hope you like it and we appreciate any thoughts how we could improve the simple service.

Thanks! :)

I didn't investigate if the site can batch-compress, but below is a screenshot of (on top) an original scanned to PDF receipt and check and (2) below that the same file after medium-compression at 65% quality using Neevia Tech PDF Online Compressor. Reduced file size from 584 Kb to 430 Kb, a 26% decrease in file-size.
 (see attachment in previous post) -kyrathaba (April 13, 2013, 07:28 PM)
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  Gee, I hope this isn't someones real address and phone numbers on the checks.....  :o

Great info. I have lots of PDF files on my PC. I think it's time to cut my space.

There is a Windows version of Ghostscript:
Use this at the command line, replacing "gs" with 'C://path/to/ghostscript/bin/gswin32c.exe' and your filenames where obvious:
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.pdf
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OR... PdfTK
pdftk in-file.pdf output out-file.pdf compress
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