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Facebook Changed Everyone’s Email to; Here’s How to Fix It

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At least in my case I can toggle visibility of @facebook and my email

after few hours I've got server reply saying something like:
Your message was not delivered due to user's account privacy settings.
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-fenixproductions (June 26, 2012, 12:59 PM)
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Curiosity: do your privacy settings allow people who are not your friends to send you personal messages in facebook? I suspect not :)

From what I understand, this is just them giving the messaging system a broader use, by fully replacing it with something similar to email. As Jibz said, just an attempt to get more data (instead of giving it to google? :P ):
I would imagine it is more of a way to get tons of e-mail from the less tech-savvy users routed through their service, so they can gather up even more information about them.
-Jibz (June 26, 2012, 04:28 AM)
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At least in my case I can toggle visibility of @facebook and my email
 (see attachment in previous post)
-rgdot (June 26, 2012, 01:18 PM)
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I don't think the largest issue is the ability to toggle visibility, but that facebook decided without consent to make it visible by default.

I don't disagree, just pointing it out. Visible by default, no matter what it is, is modus operandi @ facebook and everybody should treat it that way too. Without external (politicians, users and even G+) pressure 99.9% the current privacy settings wouldn't even exist.

after few hours I've got server reply saying something like:
Your message was not delivered due to user's account privacy settings.
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-fenixproductions (June 26, 2012, 12:59 PM)
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Curiosity: do your privacy settings allow people who are not your friends to send you personal messages in facebook? I suspect not :)
-jgpaiva (June 26, 2012, 01:25 PM)
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You're right.


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