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Contest - Come up with a novel idea for DonationCredits

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Carol Haynes:
How about a charity that supplies computers/educational euqipment etc. to parts of the world who can't afford them?

How about donating to Sourceforge?  It's the spirit of free software, programming, etc.

Most of the organizations that give out computers/software to places/people that need them and can't afford them give out donated pc's and software. So unless you are going to buy a pc with the funds and donate that, it's not exactly going to be practical to do.

Big companies like Adobe donate CD's of their software in bulk...and Apple has been donating computers, almost since the beginning of the company's existance, to schools. I went to a high school that recieved one of their first donated computers. Microsoft donates copies of Office, Visual Studio, and Windows in bulk, too.

Many of these charities accept your old pc and they fix them up and pass them out...a form of recycling. They take parts form a bunch and build a Frankenstein's monster from them. Then they usually end up shipped off to Hong Kong to welfare recipients...or to Africa.

There are small poor islands that can't even afford enough internet access for schools, hospitals & libraries. That is what the whole .tk project was all about...selling domain names with the island's .tk in order to help fund internet access for the island.

Here's an unrelated idea I'll just throw out there. Maybe there could be random pointless contests every now and then. The winner would get Т as the prise.......

Oh wait, that's not an idea, that is exactly what we're doing, RIGHT HERE... nevermind...  :)

[edit]I now realize that my comment above may sound like I don't like this contest. That isn't what I ment by "pointless contests." I like pointlessless, randomness, etc-ness...[/edit]

I think it is quite clear that all the suggestions for donating credits has come to a head and that is Donating to charitable organizations for PC's ect,BUT Mouser has suggested and the whole point of donating credits,I'm to believe is that at some point would have to benifit Although It was I first who suggested the "wish List' which I think most would agree but getting back to as it has been pointed out that this forum does not recieve a great amount of donations and I'm pretty sure it's costly to run and do everything to keep running smoothly...SOanother  suggestion.... would be to open a pool(If not already opened) to donate credits into this pool for emergencies, such as upgrading servers Improving the site, running competitions adding to all the hard work and effort for those who contribute ect...Now that has a lot to do with for donating to charities why not for3 months of a year instead of drawing winners on the forum for members, donate the software to charities (Educational and Learning programs) that way gets the benifits from both sides...After all, Charity begins at home....

PS: A friend of mine and myself ask people for old bits and bytes and fix up old computers ect and donate them to under privilaged children in fact I've just helped donate a computer to two children aged 11 and 9 years old who where the only kids who never had a PC to do projects ect at home and  in their class room... They where promised over a year ago by someone else that they would get one, they where even given fried boards and burnt out drives and where to believe that they could use it to build a PC...I put out a plea and was promised by a few but only two people came forward and helped ...The kids dream owning a PC had finally come true and walked away with their very own...

How about annonymous donations?

Say I wanna give someone a reward, but for some weird reason I don't want them to know it was from me.


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