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IDEA: move small dialog windows to cursor position

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great, looking forward to downloading it.

Ok... Sorry for the delay.
It's here, dialogmove 1.8.9.
Added the "move to active button" option. (if there isn't an active control, it acts as it did before).

DialogMove v1.8.9 updated 09-10-06:
moves windows smaler than a given size to a place closer to the mouse position.
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heh, heh, heh, brilliant.

i think it's the ultimate improvement.

great work, jgpaiva.

heh, heh, heh, brilliant.

i think it's the ultimate improvement.

great work, jgpaiva.
-nudone (September 10, 2006, 08:14 AM)
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It sure is!
Even i like it, and i don't use dialogmove (things moving by themselves on my screen without me telling them to confuses me :S)
It was definitelly a good idea!  :Thmbsup:

Glad you like it ;)

Very nice, thanks!


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