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Other Software > Developer's Corner

EasyGit - Sane syntax for git

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I've been debating whether to use easygit or not about a year ago... and then I forgot as I got into SmartGit (GUI -- there is at least one thread discussing it). SmartGit pretty much does everything I need (free for non-commercial use). And for the occasional "blame" command stuff, I'll use Tortoise Git GUI. Tortoise would be okay for most stuff.

The "bad" thing is that I pretty much forgot all the more complex Git command after so many months using GUIs. :)

PS: I love Git !

On a tangential note, I just noticed that SmartGit seems to support Mercurial now:

EasyGit - Sane syntax for git

Yes and SVN (but not svn working copies, it will create a 99% compatible git working copy that interacts with the svn repository)

Yes and SVN (but not svn working copies, it will create a 99% compatible git working copy that interacts with the svn repository)
-justice (April 25, 2012, 03:30 AM)
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I'm curious... Did you try it yet ?


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