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Screenshot Captor... cm vs. in

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You can change the DPI number, but that doesnt seem to be the same thing.

Can you tell me which program you are using that is showing the images are "captured in centimeters"?
-mouser (March 25, 2012, 10:41 AM)
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It's Jasc PSP 9... my ancient photo editing program.  And... it can convert any photo from centimeters to inches but I thought I would try to find a way to avoid this extra step.  Unfortunately... I can't wrap-my-head-around the metric system   :-[  ... so I have to switch pics to inches.

Well like i said, you can change the DPI of captured images, as stored by SC in the image files (you'll find that in options on the Image File Format tab) -- but i don't know that the image files specify whether they were captured in inches or cm.  Unless someone tells me they do, it sounds like your problem is with your image editor not SC. 

Well like i said, you can change the DPI of captured images, as stored by SC in the image files (you'll find that in options on the Image File Format tab) -- but i don't know that the image files specify whether they were captured in inches or cm.  Unless someone tells me they do, it sounds like your problem is with your image editor not SC. 
-mouser (March 25, 2012, 11:04 AM)
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More clarification on my part is needed...   Not all of my SC screencaps are in centimeters.  Some are in inches.   My PSP just shows the information that was already there... on the web page... before it was captured.

I used this PSP to screencap stuff before I started using Screenshot Captor and it always captured in inches... never centimeters... because I have it set that way.   :)

I'd still be using it too... but your SC is soooooo much easier and faster to setup and use.   :)

No big deal really... I'm kind of sorry I started this topic.  :(   And I'll think twice before I start another one.

crabby there is no reason to feel sorry for starting the topic (or to hesitate before starting a new one) !

Perhaps there is some misunderstanding and you think that someone is upset about your question/request -- not at all.

I'm just trying to understand why paint shop pro thinks that the screenshot was in centimeters -- whether there is something that Screenshot Captor is storing in the files telling it so, or whether PSP is configured to assume that all PNGs are in centimeters, etc.

If anyone can shed any light, let us know.

I did a little test that makes me think PSP is a bit schizophrenic about this suff.

I created a new image in PSP, saved it as PSP, PNG, JPG.

Then i opened each and view the "image information" from PSP.

The PSP and JPG formatted files both showed image information in inches.. The PNG showed them in centimeters and mm.

SO: My conclusion is that PSP treats all PNG files as if they were created by sane Europeans using the metric system.  While jpgs and psp formatted files are treated as if they were created by crazy Americans.


Bring on the next question!


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