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Paypal: Censors in the name of Profit

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I have personal premier and I always get fees for incoming money.

I have personal premier and I always get fees for incoming money.
-mahesh2k (March 01, 2012, 01:24 PM)
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You have to explicitly say that it is for a personal transfer.  There's an option that you select... I can't remember what it is right now.

Smashwords PayPal Censorship Update via (Author Steve Perry's Blog)

From Mark Coker, founder of Smashwords:

"Great news.  Yesterday afternoon I met with PayPal at their office in San Jose, where they informed me of their decision to modify their policies to allow legal fiction. Effective last night,we rolled back the Smashwords Terms of Service to its pre-February 24 state."

How about that? Now and then, the Forces of Evil lose a round.

Way to go, Mark.

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