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Screenshot Captor 3 - Window Object and Scrolling Capture Screencast Videos

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I'm not following what you are saying.

Hi mouser.

That user can navigate the resulting image using the Keyboard, not just the cursor mouse dragging navigation bars.
The Scrolling images are large.

Hi mouser.

That user can navigate the resulting image using the Keyboard, not just the cursor mouse dragging navigation bars.
The Scrolling images are large.
-Epamitut (May 06, 2014, 06:16 PM)
--- End quote ---

after years of SC use, I discovered this year that using the rightmouse button with click & drag will pan an image.

rightmouse drag is ESSENTIAL for working with large images in SC.

I watched enough of the second screencast to feel overconfidently ready to give it a try.  A bunch of things went wrong and I'm not sure if any of the screencasts address my problems.  Also it's rather overwhelming to have a big list of screencasts.  (If they were text and screenshots I'd have an easier time skimming through them to find my problem.)  So, I apologize for not watching them all.

First problem -- I am using a trial version of some fantastic software called Draftable for MS Word to compare two files.  The results are so much nicer than what the built-in compare feature in Word gives me.  (I'm working with Word 2010.)  It's a bit like the compare plugin for Notepad++, in case you're familiar with that.

Draftable gives me two side by side windows and I can choose to lock them together for scrolling down, or to manually control the scrolling.  Screenshot Captor didn't want to select both windows.  I don't know if this would happen with Notepad++ Compare or Word Compare.

Second problem -- I started by selecting the left-hand file (window) but my capture didn't scroll -- it just gave me a little strip at the top.

Third problem -- I went back to my old technique, defining the region myself with the cross hairs and the dragging, but the capture didn't automatically get put into the clipboard as it used to do before I updated the software.  This is the problem that I really need to solve -- I can live without the scrolling feature.

I looked in the preference screens but couldn't find a solution.



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