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Ubuntu's Latest Interface "Brainstorm" - HUD

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It actually looks pretty cool to me. It's not just an app launcher. It allows you to search and "launch" all the things from the menus in multiple applications. Sweet!
-Deozaan (February 01, 2012, 12:32 AM)
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It certainly is - IF - you're primarily interested in coming up with an interface for tablet PCs.-40hz (February 01, 2012, 06:16 AM)
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I disagree. Typing your search terms would be more of a hassle on a tablet PC's virtual keyboard than navigating the menus with touch. On the other hand, pressing a hotkey to bring up the HUD and speedily typing away to get access to the things you want would be so much better on your desktop/laptop PC with a physical keyboard.
-Deozaan (February 01, 2012, 12:59 PM)
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Might want to mention that to Mark Shuttleworth then.  ;D

Although there are plans for implementing voice control for it too.

From ZDNet:

Although Shuttleworth doesn’t say so, part of the reason why Ubuntu is making these changes is to make Ubuntu a more attractive option to smart TVs and smartphones and tablets. On these systems, the WIMP interface doesn’t work that well. If HUD is successful, users will ultimately be able to use the same interface on any device from PC to smartphone with voice commands.
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Ubuntu is retooling to to focus on tablet format computing as fast as they can manage it. Shuttleworth's convinced the future lies with tablets.


I agree with barney, this is change for the sake of change. I don't like the new gnome UI. It may be touch screen friendly or friendly to those who like to see fancy graphics. I am using xfce whenever I get bored of the interface, I use unity for quick file searching though, It is good at that. I am also keeping tab on Mate desktop, they're going to revive old gnome menu interface and going to support everything - other than slingshot interface in ubuntu.

Assuming desktop users will like slingshot UI is the biggest mistake IMO, which will result in no different than people hating tiles on windows 8. It is also very hard to guide someone over phone or skype with this type of cluttered UI. Not even KDE made changes to their desktop version when they declared spak, so I don't know why gnome (and ubuntu/canonical) assume UI simplicity without considering average linux users. I guess this year I'll be switching to Mate anyway.

Yuck, having to *search* for stuff you want? Am I seeing what I think I am seeing - that there are no icons and folders so you can't just look at what you have?

For amnesiacs like me, I have *no idea* what's on my computer, by name - How the heck am I supposed to remember that the alternate PDF viewer is called SumatraPDF, or that the alternate spreadsheet thingie I used last year once is Gnumeric, or that one of my pic viewers is called Irfanview?

Good grief.

Quote from Mark shuttleworth's blog:  Even casual users find typing faster than mousing.
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No wonder he's favoring HUD.

Tablet computers are popular not because it allows you to type more but it has point and click ability (like mouse) which saves them time from typing every minute thing out there as well as shows cool UI which has it's psychological effect on user. Moving file/edit menus to search must be the biggest joke ever played by canonical's linux dept.

My biggest complaint about Ubuntu - and most all *nix OSes - is that I have to artifice as super user about a third of the time I'm using the OS.  An OS is supposed to let me do the things I need to do without requiring constant adjustments.  An OS should be totally transparent to me during daily use.  Windows -for the most part - is.  Apple - for the most part - is.  Ubuntu ain't.

So, now we're supposed to use a no-typing touch method to perform daily tasks?  Not gonna happen.  We're gonna spend more time trying to find out how to use what we - maybe! - got.

I just do not see *nix on a tablet, Android notwithstanding.  I've got a Toshiba Thrive 10" and a NookColor 7", both of which are suitable for consuming someone else's product, neither of which is suitable for creating product.

Methinks Mr. Mark might consider that before committing to a HUD environment.  What works in aircraft and warcraft does not necessarily work in an office environment, nor even in a development environment.  Strikes me that Mr. Mark is confusing HUD with HUTA.

Now, if Mr. Mark is, as 40hz implied/stated (and I do agree with that assessment), trying to fill a supposed vacuum left by the demise of Steve Jobs, this effort makes sense.  But only to him, not to his consumers.

This whole approach minds me of a statement made by the Jeff Goldblum character in the Jurassic Park movie.  It's misquoted - old memory cells, donchano - but it went something like, "You were so busy with what you could do that you didn't consider what you should do."

Now, as to the "faster than mousing" statement, that reminds me of the current US political conflict.  What user segment did he poll?  Oh, and did he test?  If so, how did he test?  Particularly with OSKs (On Screen Keyboards)? 

Apologies for the verbosity and acrimony, but this kind of fecal matter is not something I want scattered all over my hardware/software/office.

OK, I'm tired, sleepy, and probably a bit drunk, so I'm going to bed.  G'nite, all.


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