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APK File Loader To Android SDK Release


NANY 2012 Entry Information
Application Name APK loaderVersion Short DescriptionLoads APK files to Android SDK Supported OSes Windows Web Page Setup File [url= Requirements
Eclips or similar
Android SDK
ADB.exe (part of SDK)
EMULATOR.exe (part of SDK)
 Author Info program APK loader came out of my need to load APK files to AVD simulator
or my GALXAI s2 phone during Android development.
FeaturesSee help fileScreenshots
InstallationJust open zip files in a directoryUsing the applicationVery easy to use while Eclips is working and the Android simulator is workingUninstallingJust delete Application
Known Issuesnone

limelect, if you want to make any more changes/updates to the program before releasing it, let me know. It's a great app, and we want to get it screencasted as soon as possible. The way mouser and I know these apps are ready is when the authors change "Pledge" and/or "Early Beta" in the OP title to include the word Release.

It is final for now


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