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NANY 2012 Release: PinPics

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Glad you've pledged, NinJA99!

NinJA99, if you want to make any more changes/updates to the program before releasing it, let me know. It's a great app, and we want to get it screencasted as soon as possible. The way mouser and I know these apps are ready is when the authors change "Pledge" and/or "Early Beta" in the OP title to include the word Release.

I've been really busy with work, but I'll update the details when I post the released version tomorrow.

I've been really busy with work, but I'll update the details when I post the released version tomorrow.
--- End quote ---

Awesome, Ninja! Remember to change the original posts' title to include the word "Release".  :Thmbsup:

I released this shortly before midnight, Chicago time.  I'm just taking the time now to write up a nice description with screenshots and such.  It'll be up shortly!


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