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News and Reviews > Mini-Reviews by Members

Ad Muncher: keeps the brain intact while surfing the Net - beats AdBlock!

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I used to use Firefox' AdBlock extension, and so I was skeptical at first - but now I'm really happy that I switched: AdBlock really seems to have a memory leak, since I'm now having no more memory issues with Firefox! It's also great that it works for every browser!
-brotherS (March 23, 2006, 04:55 AM)
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I felt I need to quote myself, it's so cool that Firefox finally stays below 100 MB RAM usage even when I run it for more than 24 hours!

(Yes, LOTS of tabs are opened all the time here)

it's not just that freer is not always better, but also: more powerful does not mean better.
you have to decide how much time you want to spend customizing and learning, tweaking, etc.
-mouser (March 23, 2006, 02:50 PM)
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I believe more powerful IS better for just anyone, but ONLY if all those features are added in a user-friendly way. The average user should still be able to use a program, the pro user could then enable more options or head to the advanced settings.

brotherS, when you say adblock, do you mean adblock plus?

AdBlock Plus vs. AdBlock Normal?

brotherS, when you say adblock, do you mean adblock plus?

AdBlock Plus vs. AdBlock Normal?
-kimmchii (March 24, 2006, 08:32 AM)
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When I say AdBlock I mean AdBlock :) -->

I didn't test that "plus" version.

Though I don't use it, AdMuncher is really brilliant software. The developer coded it in assembler for a long time, commited to low resource usage and hugely optimised. It is quality through and through.

Proxomitron is great (I've used it for years), but it is NOT for "it just works" functionality; some filter sets are great but I think AdMuncher is better for newbies. I'd give my dad admuncher while I'd use proxomitron (though I look forward to regex and header mods, i need to check it out again). Sadly the author of proxomitron died and the code is now frozen in time - it still works great but there will be no more development (though see below).

This is a better web site for prox:

Good forums:

There is also an open-source clone of prox:

And a "smarter" proxomitron type app:


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