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Is "Thank you for your service" enough for veterans?

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^ Military officers don't make policy decisions regarding offense.  So they *always* follow orders from their Commander in Chief, who is a politician.  Yes, they make recommendations, but those are from a purely military standpoint.  So I don't get your point...?

^ Military officers don't make policy decisions regarding offense.  So they *always* follow orders from their Commander in Chief, who is a politician.  Yes, they make recommendations, but those are from a purely military standpoint.  So I don't get your point...?
-wraith808 (November 06, 2011, 08:25 AM)
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That was my point.

It's relatively easy to sit back, sip scotch, and order people into combat.

I would rather throw politicians into an octagonal ring and see who walks out. It would make great pay-per-view. :P Though since it's government, I think it should be free to air. :D

But if they made policy decisions, then wouldn't the US be a military dictatorship?  At least in regards to foreign aggression?  I think the reason that they follow orders from a politician is because they are appointed rather than duly elected and serve in many cases for longer than the term of one administration.  You think that would really be better? 

<sarcasm>That's not prone to abuse...</sarcasm>

And many high ranking US officers have never been into combat...

I was thinking more in terms of having the choice to NOT invade. i.e. To refuse an order.

But it doesn't really matter much to me. I know nothing will ever change. We'll just keep killing each other over things that none of us care about, except for a privileged few.

I was thinking more in terms of having the choice to NOT invade. i.e. To refuse an order.
-Renegade (November 06, 2011, 08:46 AM)
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It's been done before.  It's called resigning in protest.  Not very effective in most cases.


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