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boardgamegeek - all things boardgame site

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Good sites, both.

A very simple yet strangely addictive card game is SET. Highly recommended! Children can play it at suprisingly young ages. If the complexity is too high for some child then just remove one or more layers of pattern for the time being.

Maybe some people might like Tantrix?
UK site: Tantrix UK

Tantrix looks cool.

Tantrix looks cool.
-mouser (January 14, 2009, 02:34 PM)
--- End quote --- has a similar game called Trax. It uses square pieces instead of hexagonal pieces and only uses two colors. It was created by David Smith (also in New Zealand) 8 years before Tantrix. See the Trax Official Website.

I thought that i should also add that BoardGameGeek has a very active used-game marketplace where users can sell games to each other -- seems to work very well, and prices can be significantly less than buying new; similar to ebay.  :up:


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