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Sansa Clip Zip: Wow!

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I absolutely agree, and this is why I prefer a dedicated audio device over just using my smart phone (Superior battery life doesn't hurt, either...). I'll keep the Clip Zip in mind, thanks!

I hope I'm not going too off-topic here, but just to report, I have a Sansa Clip v. 1 that I installed Rockbox on, and while there are advantages to both, I'm sold on Rockbox.

The stock Sansa firmware is very basic, but very easy to navigate; only four different menu items and you're on your way, which I find quite nice.
The RockBox firmware has a MUCH more complex menu system with an almost overwhelming array of options that I feel could be done better/simpler, but the reason I keep it installed is for the sound quality.

The stock firmware sounds OK, but tends to be a little on the "flat" side, and I've noticed it can be overdriven fairly easily e.g. when turning up the bass.
Rockbox sounds at least an order of magnitude better right out of the box with a flat EQ, and it has a fairly advanced 5-band shelving EQ with 3 different methods to control it, and you can save your EQ settings.
It also has a 'Balance' control that I've found quite useful on many occasions (damn those cheap earbuds!!), which Sansa does not have.

Overall, I'm happy with  Sansa's products as a whole, and it's good to know that RockBox will soon support the Zip.

Thanks Edvard!  I have heard great things about Rockbox, so I'm really looking forward to it coming to the clip zip also.  Maybe I should just get a clip+ in the meantime...

Here's a link to more product info if anybody is interested:

I can't find any information about the battery life. About how long can you play music on this thing before needing to recharge it?

My Sansa Clip v.1 typically goes almost a whole day's worth (listening on and off for an 8-hour workday) but it's a few years old now, so I assume the battery has lost a bit of life by now, and battery technology has probably gotten better.
What I could find on the net about it suggest it has a continuous-use life of ~15 hours.


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