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keyboard shortcuts

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At the bottom of this page,there is an explanation on how to find the virtual key code you're looking for.
Then, make an hotkey with it, and give it the command soundset.
Hope this helps! :D

Okay, I've got a key value for the hardware vol down: 174, and 175 for the hardware vol up.  That works fine for making an increment in the volume setting - but what I want to do is to link that to what happens when I hold down WinKey+PgDn (volume down) or WinKey+PgUp (volume up), which is definied by the Qliner HotKeys volume module. 

I'm certain this is very simple...  But I don't understand it!

Oh, i think what you're looking for, is the Send command. You can send the key {volume_down}, or {volume_up}, instead of using the soundset command, which alters the volume directlly.

I am extremely stupid, but I can't work this out...  I think I have understood that I need to have somehow got AHK to understand that when the particular hardware button is pressed, it should map that keypress to the key combination to decrease, increase, or mute the volume (Win+PgDn, Win+PgUp, Win+End respectively) - so I'm not trying to make it increase (or whatever) the volume, but just to simulate the keypress.  But I don't understand the syntax, and it's taking me ages of trying different combinations to get it...  Can someone tell me?

This is what I've got - but it doesn't work! - where am I going wrong?

SC174::Send #&{PgDn}
SC175::Send #&{PgUp}

SORRY m_s!
I really shoud have informed myself before saying anything.
here's the solution for your problem (i think):

--- ---hotkey,SC174,down


It seems that for creating a hotkey with VK/SC, this syntax has to be used.
Basically, on the first part, you declare the hotkeys, then, when each of one is pressed, the program goes to the label that it's designed to go.

Very sorry to have caused you so much stress.. ;)


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