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IDEA ~ Show List of Shortcuts overlaid on Desktop

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do you have a copy of the text you want to use?
-Target (September 15, 2011, 08:02 PM)
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I need to work on that. Below are XYPlorer shortcuts. The full list, and a very quickly edited list.
The edited list is still a long list... I would probably want to cut it down to half that size or smaller.

EDIT/ anyone know where I can get a list of DOpus shortcuts-tomos (September 16, 2011, 03:39 AM)
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what other apps are you hoping to use this for (apart from DOpus)?

I have an idea that might deal with multiple apps - it would require a separate source file for each (per your example) but they would all have to be formatted the same way

How did you generate the sample shortcut lists?  If this is a copy and paste from a help file it's fine, but if you have to manually produce them it may become a little onerous...

What's the procedure for scaring away skwire from a coding request one wants to work on?-mouser (September 16, 2011, 04:42 PM)
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I wondered the opposite - what happens if you gene-splice skwire with skrommel
-rjbull (September 18, 2011, 10:43 AM)
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The whole world is surrounded by an ahk-field as they overload?

what other apps are you hoping to use this for (apart from DOpus)?
How did you generate the sample shortcut lists?  If this is a copy and paste from a help file it's fine, but if you have to manually produce them it may become a little onerous...
-Target (September 19, 2011, 05:41 PM)
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That XY one was generated by the programme itself** - I would definitely use a shortened version of that
I would like to use this initially for

* DOpus
* XYPlorer
* Adobe Illustrator (CS4)
Manually producing lists need not be a problem - what would be important to me would be ease of editing of lists. Cause once I learn a shortcut I dont really need it on the list any more. Initially I might just start with a handful of key shortcuts I would like to learn. I could add shortcuts as I come across them or find I want to use them.
This was prompted by going back to default settings in dopus - I like some of the new(?) default shortcuts, but not familiar with them. Also I have started creating (again) my own custom shortcuts, ideally I could add these to the list as I create them.

** Xyplorer has a very advanced export capability for exporting shortcuts (wish I could say the same for other programmes)

IDEA ~ Show List of Shortcuts overlaid on Desktop

Paul Keith:

The outstanding question is how can i best support a large user repository of application-specific help data in the best way.
-mouser (September 16, 2011, 08:36 AM)
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Not sure of the direction you are considering but here's another thought.  Provide the ability of importing hotkey lists in csv or some other format.  Interested and willing members familiar with a specific program could send in a list of those hotkeys in the preferred format.  Users could pick and choose which list they would need from a repository of sorts.  These could be standard program default hotkey lists or maybe user suggestions. Saves you or even the user from tracking down hotkey lists.  It also becomes a community project. Similar to the All Hotkeys Site.
Any way you or others go, I think this would be a great program.-bob99 (September 18, 2011, 09:48 AM)
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May not be quite what you are looking for but:

...for those who don't know.


May not be quite what you are looking for but:

...for those who don't know.
-Paul Keith (September 20, 2011, 09:15 AM)
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Thanks for the link. Added it to my Linkman. Will come in handy.


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