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Other Software > Found Deals and Discounts

MacUpdate Bundle 90% Discount



MacUpdate launches a new bundle with 90% Discount thus for 49.99USD instead 487USD

Examples include Toast 11 Titanium, iStat Menus, PhoneView, Mellel. EarthDesk, Concealer, Bookends...

This bundle is valid for 15 days and the first 20,000 customers will get bonus Printopia for sharing the printer to your Mac with IOS devices

That's about worthwhile to buy just for Toast (I find Macs better for burning CDs, though they are somewhat more difficult to use). I think I'll ponder it for a bit though... Nothing else in the bundle is really useful for me. 

IF I had a Mac, I would use every one of those to some degree or another.  Definitely worth it for anyone with a Mac and not those software titles (or equivalents in many cases).  Me, I am happy on my Window/Linux machines.  Now I just have to get my primary machine up and running again. :-\


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