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It's alive, it's alive!!! mwahaha! - WinButtons and 7" touchscreen works

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A lot of the cheaper Android Tablets use Resistive too. I've tried a few and you have to use a stylus (old bit of plastic) to get the best response from them.

I've tried a few and you have to use a stylus (old bit of plastic) to get the best response from them.
-nudone (December 07, 2011, 10:52 PM)
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My tablet is an old bit of plastic (Etch-a-Sketch). Every time I try a different web site I have to draw the page from scratch  :o

Heheheh. Now that IS impressively old-school.

Just installed the latest DisplayLink driver for my MIMO, and, after a whole lot of screen flashing (going on and off) 8), a reboot, and a re-recognition of the MIMO hardware, it works just fine. By the next reboot I'll know if still flashes so often during system startup.

This convinces me more that the MIMO owned by nudone is technically faulty in some way, as it prevents a reboot of the system when connected, and gives all kinds of troubles :'(

Every time I try a different web site I have to draw the page from scratch  :o
-cranioscopical (December 08, 2011, 10:35 AM)
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;D ;D

I must have explained things badly. I can reboot fine, it just doesn't make any difference to the MIMO. I can never really predict what will be required to make the screen work.

To compound the problem, my new computer isn't perfect. It will bluescreen a few times a week. I thought leaving gmail or google reader open were the cause but that pattern was broken yesterday.

And so, I am really close to just thinking f*ck all this computer sh*t. If the problems get any worse I'm just going to call it quits and find another line of work. I haven't the will to send this new machine back, it took over a month to arrive, and I'm determined to run it after having to return the previous machine.

Anyway, I'll try again with the MIMO at the weekend, probably. But, honestly, I'd be happier if the pc would just stop bluescreening.


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