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It's alive, it's alive!!! mwahaha! - WinButtons and 7" touchscreen works

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^ I saw that, but I wasn't sure if he got a better price on it, and his experiences.  But thanks. :)  And, I wonder if his experiences with this were better than yours with the HP hardware.

I found a couple of impressions on it, and it does seem promising...

It's a tablet that can actually replace your netbook. I like it better because I would have used an external keyboard anyway, and on this form factor you can use portrait mode, which is better for coding.

It indeed does what a win7 box would do. As a touch OS it kind of sucks. I could not get it to do the automatic flipping when changing orientation. Forget about smooth scroll, pinch zoom, etc. The OS is waiting for the second click, so all the touch operations really suck compared to an ipad. But you can get real work done on this one. And use a real browser. And play HD video. I'd say it's a winner. I got it for free in intel's AppUp event. The meego OS it came with was prealpha. All attendants I know have installed something else.

Just another "tip" for anyone considering getting a MIMO (or similar).

The problem I mentioned before about the touchscreen not being recognised and having to disconnect and reconnect it several times appear to be related to the boot process.

Maybe there's just too much going on my machine on startup, too many monitors trying to work themselves out or something, who knows.

Anyway, the solution is to leave the touchscreen disconnected until everything else has finished loading in. I would assume this kind of problem won't manifest itself on the vast majority of setups.

I've run out of time and hardly had chance to have a proper go at getting WinButtons and the MIMO setup correctly.

I'm now away for 9 days so I'm hoping that by the time I get back Ath will have found every problem there is and resolved them all too :D

Good luck with it all...

I've received the MIMO Touchscreen, as ordered by nudone, today.

I've been a kid in a toy-shop ever since I unpacked it, it's soooo nice :-*

Like reported by nudone, it works like a charm. I didn't release a new WinButtons version yet, but I've improved a few things already (last night), and I can now have a numeric keypad that sends it's digits and other keys to the active application 8)

Made a few (not so sharp) pictures, to show what my first setup is.
It'll probably change a bit in the coming weeks, but I think I like it to be rather close to the keyboard, to be both easily viewable and hand-reachable.

This is the main screen, the MIMO and the keyboard (there's a second screen to the left of the main screen, but not on the photo)
It's alive, it's alive!!! mwahaha! - WinButtons and 7" touchscreen works

And here's the layout nudone sent me, that I messed up for my own purpose, having a second layout of a numeric keypad (in green) on top of it. Just hidden under the NumPad Off button there's a NumPad On button, positioned exactly on top of each other. (The touchscreen is free-standing here, but I use it like in the other photo, resting on top of the keyboard)
It's alive, it's alive!!! mwahaha! - WinButtons and 7" touchscreen works

I keep on thanking nudone for giving me this superduper gadget, but it's so awfully nice :D


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