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NANY 2012 Release: Ethervane Echo

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Is there a setting anywhere to have the clip time NOT be updated on pasting? I've searched through the settings and couldn't find one that did this (but I may have missed it).
-easye (January 13, 2012, 11:16 AM)
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It's not possible at the moment, but I see your point. I will add this in the next release.

feature requests
close to tray on pressing the X
-Sascha (January 11, 2012, 09:37 AM)
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Done. Will be available in the next release.

feature requests
close to tray on pressing the X
-Sascha (January 11, 2012, 09:37 AM)
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Done. Will be available in the next release.
-tranglos (January 14, 2012, 09:38 AM)
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Thanks a lot, Marek!

Hi Tranglos. Regarding the "Short" view on my 64-bit computer: I tried your suggestions but still got the same result (short clips aren't displayed on the Short tab). Relevant screenshots are shown below.

The "All Clips" view show that there are short clips

The "Short" view doesn't show any clips
[ Invalid Attachment ]

Here's the "Short" view filter
[ Invalid Attachment ]

Thanks for adding the "Close to system tray" feature to the wish list


Hi Tranglos,

OOps! (should have previewed it first - stoopid!)

The "All Clips" view show that there are short clips

The "Short" view doesn't show any clips

Here's the "Short" view filter



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