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NANY 2012 Pledge & Release: Image Grid

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Used ImageGrid again -- such a joy!

I also came here to say Image Grid is still a great program! I took a bunch of screenshots of a YouTube exercise video using Screenshot Captor, then made them into a grid, then printed and pasted into my bullet journal using Tombow adhesive dots. Works great in Windows 10, too!

ImageGrid is such a useful tool, and so easy to use.
vlastimil if you are still around, I have a couple of feature requests.  Mostly they have to do with being able to set some options:

1. Ability to have the margins configurable (in size and color).
2. Ability to have TRANSPARENT margins.  This may mean an option for png format.
3. Options for rescalling images so that we could choose for example to have all images in a row be the same height, and/or all items in the same column be the same height. preserving aspect ratio, cropping, etc.

Not to hijack this thread, but here is a similar tool I just found:


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