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Donation gamer: Games to give

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No problemo, brohaims

As with p3lb0x, I've got some bundle purchasing overlap and have the following Steam keys to give away.

* Bunch of Heroes
* Hacker Evolution: Duality
* Hacker Evolution: Untold
* Hoard
* inMomentum
* Your Doodles are Bugged
* Zombie Shooter 1
* Zombie Shooter 2
Don't be shy...  Holler if you'd like one/some/all.   :D

Recently bought myself a preorder four pack of Torchlight 2 and with that came 4 copies of Torchlight 1. I've got at least one to spare, so if anyone is up for it. Just give me a call

Edit: Oh yeah, sent it to Ampa

I would very gladly take a free copy of Torchlight :)  :-*

AmpaSteam (on Steam)

Thanks, if I'm the lucky one - and thanks for the offer to DC community even if I'm not!


UPDATE: Received my gift - Thanks again p3lb0x

I have extra Iron Grip: Warlord on Steam, so if somebody is up to some CO-OP tower defense / RTS hybrid let me know.

Skwire, I wouldn't mind picking up up those Zombie shooters!

Steam name is same as here - Attronarch.


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