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Cnet's and the installer scam

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I have complained about this many times, going back as far as 8 months. Every time one of these sites is taken down, another springs up. In many ways, what CNET did was legitimize their business model - making them much harder to deal with in the future. Further, the open source software may not be able to object like shareware authors, depending on the license.

Hmmm... I wonder when Softpedia and Brothersoft will follow...

I have complained about this many times, going back as far as 8 months. Every time one of these sites is taken down, another springs up. In many ways, what CNET did was legitimize their business model - making them much harder to deal with in the future.
-db90h (September 05, 2011, 01:06 PM)
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Why does the word 'anonymous' start popping into my head all of a sudden?  ;)

After CNet downloader, we have a new brand in this market - softonic download manager. Forcing users to download installer.
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I can't tell from that link what is going on with any softonic download manager.. does anyone have any more information on this?  If they are doing something similar to cnet without a way to opt out we need to start protesting it.

Stoic Joker:
I have complained about this many times, going back as far as 8 months. Every time one of these sites is taken down, another springs up. In many ways, what CNET did was legitimize their business model - making them much harder to deal with in the future.
-db90h (September 05, 2011, 01:06 PM)
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Why does the word 'anonymous' start popping into my head all of a sudden?  ;)
-40hz (September 06, 2011, 05:49 AM)
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Now now ... You're supposed to be the (Jimny Cricket) tolerance and follow channels guy. Renegade & I are the anarchists. We have to keep the roles straight, or the whole world - as we know it - will crumble.



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