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How can I download or record streaming audio

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If only someone on donationcoder had written a tool to help discover the urls of hidden streaming media files..

So here is what I did:

I started URL Snooper, set it to show all urls, and then opened the webpage you specified and started the music playing.

URL Snooper shows me that this is a shoutcast stream and gives me the direct url for it:

You could probably plug this shoutcast url into any specialized shoutcast recording program (i think there are some) or winamp addon to record shoutcast to record the file.

That is probably easier than what i did, but here is what I did:

I don't have any of those, so I used the trusty Net Transport tool, which is good at this kind of thing and can do scheduled recording, and fed it the shoutcast url.

It records the stream fine, but the recorded file has no file extension so you won't know how to play it:

But from the details in Net Transport, you can see that it is AAC format audio, so i renamed the file to a .aac extension and then i could play it in my media players (i tried the free kmplayer) and it worked fine:

hey mouser,
an embarrassed thanks a lot ;D

I used your link as the source for RadioSure and I able to record (mp3) with that :Thmbsup:

For the record, I just now tried Url Snooper and it was unable to automatically find network - in spite of the fact that it actually showed the network adapter in the general options page (and appeared to recognise the freshly installed WinPcap).
So I added the link to manually scan a url and I got a different link (which in the browser brought me to a non functioning version - link)

Nice one @mouser! I had not fully realised the potential use (for me) of using URL Snooper until I saw that.
Thankyou for that.    :Thmbsup:


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