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Operation Facebook (will you rejoice?)

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"Anonymous" have scheduled Operation Facebook on Nov 5th 2011, when they plan "delete" Facebook. seems like a case of setting their bars lower..  :-\

• Source:

Wow, they got big heads :huh:

It all seems a bit gratuitious, I won't miss it though if it does die.

Well, I use Facebook daily, and like it, but I can see their point.

I'll look forward to seeing what happens.

Announcing something like this months in advance is funny and nuts at the same time

Announcing something like this months in advance is funny and nuts at the same time
-rgdot (August 10, 2011, 11:14 AM)
--- End quote ---

It may get a rise out of some people in advance however. Which is a small 'win' in the event they can't make good on their promise to shut FB down.

Ah...little children and their toys. :-\


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