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News and Reviews > Mini-Reviews by Members

SageThumbs - Thumbnails all over the Windows

<< < (3/4) > >>

Ask the author then.  :D

Awesome review!  :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup:

Just downloaded it based on your findings and will give it a better test-drive in the morning when im a little more awake!  :D

For now thoguh, I can see this coming in handy!  Especially with the fact it not only converts files, it also does it as a copy, so the original is not modified in any way! - Very very cool indeed!

Looking forward to your impressions then!

I just encountered this program in the course of processing photos from my recent vacation. I was looking for a way to view the .DNG raw files from Explorer. This program claims to allow this, but in fact it didn't do anything at all.

I looked at two other things. Microsoft has a newer codec pack, but it doesn't support DNG. Adobe (the creators of the DNG format) have a codec, and that one does work.

So, if you're looking for thumbnails of DNG files, go that Adobe codec and save your time.

Never heard of .DNG files.


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