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Hi Mouser - trying to get Win 7's "god mode" into an LBC menu item


Lolipop Jones:
If you're not familiar with this, "god mode" in Win 7 allows the user to access a whole truckload of configuration options from one screen.

It is enabled by creating a new folder named


I have this folder on my desktop, but I'm a little OCD about wanting a super clean desktop, with all my command launching coming from the taskbar or LBC.

So far I have been unable to figure out a way to call "god mode" from within LBC.  Can you take a look?



For those more curious about "God Mode" see The so-called “God Mode”.

Sorry LJ for going a bit OT however :)

Carol Haynes:
Why not put the folder somewhere else and create a shortcut?

Or use the command line:

START <full path to GodMode folder>\GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

I can't test this properly because my computer is actually down so I am stuck with XP at the moment, but try something like:

--- Code: Text ---explorer.exe /root,shell:::{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
as a command node. This won't bring it as flyout menus though, just as a new explorer window (if it works).

Carol Haynes:
It works if you just run it daddydave


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