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Scroll-capture stuttering repeating


I'm using IE 8.0.6001.18702 running under Win XP Pro 5.1.2600, SP3 build 2600. When using scrolling capture to grab a long online article, the scrolling appears to stutter several times. Judging from the resulting capture, this causes a problem when the utility hits the first image. Screen Captor seems to capture the page up to a certain point in the image, then back up a bit (not quite to the top of the image, though) and restart the capture.

Also, the program repeats the capture three times, so when you view the file, you see three copies of the screen, side by side.

Any ideas about what's happening and how to correct it?


Hi psytech, welcome to the site and i apologize for the delayed reply.

Capturing a scrolling window is tricky stuff and sometimes the program can get fooled.  It's normal for it to scroll back up and repeat down again as it tries to scroll horizontally.

I've been meaning to revisit the scrolling capture code for a while now and try to make it more compliant with some of the recent changes to browsers.

However, one thing i always suggest is that for people who frequently need to capture large pages from browsers, there are some specific tools and plugins for this particular specific job, that are probably better suited to the task.

For firefox there are some good free plugins.  I'm not sure if there are good plugins for IE but there is iecapt, a free standalone utility to capture a large web page.

Having said that, i will try to improve the scrolling capture in Screenshot Captor.

Can I ask for a sample online url where the stuttering effect happens reliably?


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