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Other Software > Developer's Corner

Apples, Walled Gardens, and Screw Deals - Oh My!

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Ah yes, and corporate jerks like Apple is these days is why I've been happy to take my devices to the Linux side. At least there I can choose how deep I want to dive into proprietary hell rather than have it shoved up my arse. (And don't look for politicians to help -- anyone on those relevant committees has already been bought and sold 100 times over to assure enough cash for their reelection.)

Ah yes, and corporate jerks like Apple is these days is why I've been happy to take my devices to the Linux side. At least there I can choose how deep I want to dive into proprietary hell rather than have it shoved up my arse. (And don't look for politicians to help -- anyone on those relevant committees has already been bought and sold 100 times over to assure enough cash for their reelection.)
-zridling (June 08, 2011, 04:25 PM)
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Seriously.  It feels like the whole system is set up to make us just...stuck.  I've been racking my brain recently to figure out how I can live a life where everyone just leaves me alone.  I almost just want a cabin in the woods with an internet connection, and that's it.  no mortgage, no personal ties except for a few close friends maybe, no monthly bills (other than the internet connection).  i really want to get out of this whole system that makes me toil for no real personal purpose...just work, try to get more money...why?  just to pay for everything that I don't really care about anyway.  Easier said than done, that's my little fantasy, though.

I just watched an interesting travelogue about Antarctica.

Almost made me wish I pursued that PhD so somebody down there would hire me for either the US or Ukranian station. I'd sign up for the "winter over" shift in a heartbeat the way I've been feeling lately. As long as I had three dozen books, a computer, a musical instrument or two, and a web connection, I'd be happy there. Or pretty much anywhere else, as long as it wasn't hot and humid, and I didn't really know anybody.

I just watched an interesting travelogue about Antarctica.

Almost made me wish I pursued that PhD so somebody down there would hire me for either the US or Ukranian station. I'd sign up for the "winter over" shift in a heartbeat the way I've been feeling lately. As long as I had three dozen books, a computer, a musical instrument or two, and a web connection, I'd be happy there. Or pretty much anywhere else, as long as it wasn't hot and humid, and I didn't really know anybody.

-40hz (June 08, 2011, 04:58 PM)
--- End quote --- about kindred spirits.  Sounds perfect to me.  I've been planning on sort of itemizing the costs of such a lifestyle.  It's really quite cheap.  All I need to do after that is really, honestly ask myself if I can actually pull it off.  i think I can, but I'm also aware of my human condition to be perpetually dissatisfied.  So I don't really know.  not enough to do anything about it quite yet.

Interesting though that the one thing you guys would not want to give up is the web connection. It's weird how important the web has become in our lives, something that did not exist in the current form a mere 20 years ago.


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