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Microsoft buying skype for US $8.5 Billion

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Oh, believe me I understand completely.
$8.5B is a [expletives deleted] insane amount of money; as in, you're [more expletives] insane if you don't take the offer.
I was just musing on about if the point was to create a killer service with the intent of eventually getting bought out.

Besides, even as I was going to counter "check or cash sitting in front of you" with "perhaps millions of disapproving users frowning behind you", it always happens that for some godforsaken reason users end up liking the arrangement. :huh:

e.g.; when Apple bought them up, a few people here (including yours truly) expressed their deep displeasure.
The reaction across the internet, however, was along the lines of "Oh, goody, I hope they use the technology to fix iTunes"
:wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

Since the Linux version received about as much attention as I give beetles in Mongolia, MS taking it over is simply more un-good news. :-\

On a side note, what is it with independent services getting bought up by big conglomerates?
I understand the dynamics, but isn't there anybody who refuses to sell out?
Or is that simply the name of the game?  :mad:

-Edvard (May 10, 2011, 01:54 PM)
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I think it is easy to say "I will not sell out"....until you see a check or cash sitting in front of you. Then, it becomes a whole new story.
-Josh (May 10, 2011, 01:56 PM)
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Also, there's the fact that if I don't sell out someone will... and they'll have a check, and I'll have a whole new set of headaches from the new 800lb gorilla in the field...

In fact, they had already sold out long ago. Sold it to ebay in 2005. Ebay sold it to venture capitalists (+ founders) in 2009, having not got the most out of it. Hardly a surprise to find venture capitalists then selling for a profit - that is what they do (except when they sell for a loss that is).

I don't think they'll shut freemium model, so don't know why everyone is so upset because MS bought it. Atleast they're not sold to apple, you can guess the next UI of skype if it were to be from apple folks (clean video window with two buttons- call/end), skype interface at high doped apple minimalism).

At first I was relieved because I'd heard rumors that Facebook was going to buy it.

But since Microsoft is an investor in Facebook, that might mean that Facebook will get it anyway. :(

I'm not sure how I feel about it yet either.

With Microsoft, I don't think it's a guaranteed failure, but I can't really be certain either way.


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