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Clipboard Help+Spell Screencasts

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Harry Lake:
I've watched the whole of the first film and most of the second, but one thing is still not clear: is there some way of quickly pasting first a clip and then the URL it was clipped from? Give me that, and I may defect from ClipMate!

Also: you've misspelled override ("Here you can overide the default directory...").


is there some way of quickly pasting first a clip and then the URL it was clipped from? Give me that, and I may defect from ClipMate!
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no there isn't; that's a good point.. i'd have to add that.

I tried it but very complicated to understsnd.

Can I get an easy tutorial?

If I want to watch these screencasts (and the ScreenshotCaptor and the FARR ones) in bunches, what would you suggest? Will you consider putting these on Youtube, that would be one way to allow it. Maybe I can watch these on (now-outlawed) Youtube channel on Roku (I have hope there will be an official one soon).

If I want to watch these screencasts (and the ScreenshotCaptor and the FARR ones) in bunches, what would you suggest? Will you consider putting these on Youtube, that would be one way to allow it. Maybe I can watch these on (now-outlawed) Youtube channel on Roku (I have hope there will be an official one soon).
-daddydave (June 18, 2011, 02:18 PM)
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Never mind, I remember ewemoa's suggestion of DownloadHelper in this thread.


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