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Uninstalling Google Chrome can mess up your PC(if it was set as default browser)

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I've uninstalled Chrome before, and haven't had any problems.  So I don't think it's as cut and dried as this...

Stoic Joker:
I've uninstalled Chrome before, and haven't had any problems.  So I don't think it's as cut and dried as this...
-wraith808 (April 26, 2011, 06:03 PM)
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I gotta go with wraith on this one, as I too have pulled it out of several machines and never had an issue.

Perhaps it doesn't happen for portable versions of Chrome...-ewemoa (April 26, 2011, 04:20 PM)
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I should certainly hope not if it's a portable version. I tried a portable Chrome once, and I've played with SRWare Iron portable several times and never had a problem.

There's gotta be a catch somewhere (in the rye perhaps). - I did save the guy's .reg file on my thumbdrive just in case it catches me...  :D

There's gotta be a catch somewhere (in the rye perhaps). - I did save the guy's .reg file on my thumbdrive just in case it catches me...  :D
-Stoic Joker (April 26, 2011, 06:22 PM)
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I thought it was a catchER  ;) 
Very witty, though  :Thmbsup:

I'm using Chromium portable. Haven't noticed any anomalies. I also had a video player that messed up some stuff when uninstalled.  I like the player. I keep to the portable version.

Has anyone tried changing default browser before uninstalling? I think even on W7 default browser change has the same bug as back in win9x. Sometimes you have to set it to some other browser, then set it back to the one you really want.  Something like that.  Still not fixed after 16 years!

I love Chrome and wouldn't uninstall it anyway. But yeah this problem needs to be fixed.


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