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The anti-piracy lobby makes a convincing argument

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I've always marvelled at the effectiveness of the anti-piracy campaign. Here's another gem they can be proud of.

P.S. - Bonus points for anyone who knows which software the guy in the video is using.


I am surprised they haven't gone the religious route and invoke images of hell and fire

Here's Google's latest attempt to stop us upload copyrighted material.

It's kind of amusing to have them implying inferior quality on a download when you look at how poor the transfer is on so many of the commercial BlueRay releases. Especially when compared to the same titles on standard DVD.

If BlueRay is the future, give me the past.

Here's Google's latest attempt to stop us upload copyrighted material.

-Eóin (April 17, 2011, 02:26 PM)
--- End quote ---

Hey, that's pretty neat! I can't wait for the video that explains fair use of copyrighted material in greater depth!

I'll just wait here for it to be produced!


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