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IDEA: TELL me how many objects I am deleting!

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Stoic Joker:
(only, "E" in English is "R" in Danish.
Plus, I have to keep pressing the Alt-button, while shifting from "R" to "I")
-Curt (April 11, 2011, 08:22 AM)
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Hm... Shouldn't, I only press and hold Alt once while then hitting E, then I, then release. I should think the Danish R should behave much the same.

(only, "E" in English is "R" in Danish.
Plus, I have to keep pressing the Alt-button, while shifting from "R" to "I")
-Curt (April 11, 2011, 08:22 AM)
--- End quote ---

Hm... Shouldn't, I only press and hold Alt once while then hitting E, then I, then release. I should think the Danish R should behave much the same.
-Stoic Joker (April 11, 2011, 11:39 AM)
--- End quote ---

I think we were trying to say the same thing

For some things the command line is just easier.  I can remember doing stuff like clicking on file type to get all the .srt files together so I could select and delete.  But once you have a command prompt in that folder it's just easier.

del *.srt

FreeCommander has a nice command line hanging in the status bar for stuff like that.  Also I wrote a small AHK that sits in the tray that opens a command prompt in a folder etc..

I have internal drives in docking stations with Recycle Bin disabled.  But I do have it prompt me when I delete using Explorer because it can be easy to forget it's a permanent delete. Esp. since I don't make restore points for my docking station drives.


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