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IDEA: TrueCrypt Alternate GUI for Windows

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Bump.  I'm at a new place and would still love to be able to push for TrueCrypt with a GUI.

I am pushing for using TrueCrypt in a specific way on company laptops, which involves prompting users to mount a volume directly after Windows logon.  The stock TrueCrypt UI is perfectly functional, but not as fast and friendly as you might expect an app that you use each day.

What I am looking for is a replacement app that allows users to use keyboard and mouse to enter the required password and keyfile as fast as possible.
-AaronCompNetSys (February 24, 2010, 03:29 PM)
--- End quote ---

I don't use a keyfile with TC volumes, but it seems to me that the fastest way is

(1) hit Enter on a *.tc file in a file manager;
(2) hit Enter again (in TC now) to mount the volume;
(3) type the password and hit Enter once more.

A shortcut to the TC file could be added to the Startup menu so that it pops up automatically, thus eliminating step (1).

On the other hand, once you have to use the mouse, it won't be the fastest possible method anymore :)

Yeah, the keyfile is the defining feature here.  It drastically increases security and make a key logger useless when the user clicks on the file instead of typing it.  It also makes brute forcing the typed password irrelevant.  I recommend picking a random file off the hard drive, or a random file the user has created sometime in their lifetime.


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