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unable to use taskkill /im FindAndRunRobot.exe to close FARR


I run FARR inside a Dropbox folder so I need to close FARR manually before shutting down to give Dropbox enough time to sync the ini files.  So I wrote a batch script to close a few program including FARR via the taskkill /im command.  But I can't seems to close FARR unless I use the /f switch.  Why is that?  Admittedly, I am just lazy, I could got to the system tray and do the right click and Exit, but I would still like to know.  And I don't want to use the /f because settings are  not saved this way and could result in data corruption.

since it's a batch file, you can use Farr's own command-line syntax to exit.

• -exit = exit any running copy of FARR.

more cmd-lineCommandline Options
-standalone = start FARR visible and in taskbar, and exit on close of window
-search "search string" = start FARR visible (or bring up any running copy) and start a search
-show = start FARR visible (or bring up any running copy)
-hide = hide FARR if visible
-toggle = toggle display of farr
-exitifnotrunning = exit FARR unless it was already running and this was a second instance launched just to search or launch
-launch = start FARR (or invoke in a running copy) and launch a command (can use any normal FARR launch strings including setting user variables, etc.)
-unloadplugins = tell running instance of FARR to unload all plugins temporarily, so that plugin files can be replaced
-loadplugins = tell farr to reload temporarily unloaded plugins (must be balanced # of calls)

Excellent, thank, I didn't think of that


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