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When you make your 100'th Post

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Thanks, Darwin. But I have to say it made me a little nervous to realize that this means that I have made 111 posts in just 23 days!  :-[

But of course it is a lot worse to me that number 777 was posted July 7'th 2007 - 7,7,7 - and I didn't get a screenshot!!!   :(

Lanux has hit 1500 posts!

When you make your 100'th Post

Congratulations!  :Thmbsup:

And Ken makes his 600th!

When you make your 100'th Post


Lanux has hit 1500 posts!

Congratulations!  :Thmbsup:-Darwin (August 08, 2007, 02:57 PM)
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thanks Darwin.. :) you're on track too for the next milestone.. :up:

And Ken makes his 600th! :Thmbsup:
-Darwin (August 08, 2007, 06:15 PM)
--- End quote ---

Thanks Darwin. I didn't realize it. My numbers were going up fast for a while, but came to a screeching halt for reasons obvious to everyone now. :)



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