ATTENTION: You are viewing a page formatted for mobile devices; to view the full web page, click HERE. Software > Screenshot Captor

Beta Testers For ScreenshotCaptor?

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This is a VERY early beta, no help file to speak of.  But it does have and installer/uninstaller:

[link out of date]

its a screenshot taking app made to be used with minimal intervention from user.
(ie it auto saves files, etc.)

it's also designed to let you add comments into the screenshots, to be useful for taking visual notes.

it doesnt write to registry or make any system changes, so it's completely safe to test.

i wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't crash sometimes.

ideas, suggestions, bug reprts, all welcomed.

[ removed screenshot since it was out of date ]

looks great mouser, i don't seem to be able to get it to capture though - my system causing problems maybe.

can you resize the text and will it be positional - for adding comments to the capture?

if you could get it to capture and scroll down windows at the same time - like hypersnap - then i would use it all the time.

new version is up with some fixed (1.00.04).

i'm not sure what i should do about things like annotations on images and stuff..
there are a lot of good image editors and screenshot tools that do this.

i think what i would rather do is make it easy to launch a 3rd party tool to edit the images and annotate them.

and leave my tool really just for quickly capturing/saving/viewing.

ive gotten another report that capture not working..
its something to do with the prtscr hotkeys..  ill add custom hotkeys soon until i can figure out how to get prtscr keys working.

launching a 3rd party editor sounds like a good idea - probably more useful than anything else. could you perhaps allow the choice of more than one outside editor just in case.


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