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Other Software > Found Deals and Discounts

$20 for PureComponents


While not the best out there, they're cheap:

$20 is hard to beat.

It comes with source code as well, so even if you only buy it for the source code as a tutorial, it's worth it.

Oh -- forgot to mention for those unfamiliar... They're UI components for programming.

Tip: mention which platform it's for (my first guess would be .NET, but not everyone knows you :)), and perhaps a copy-pastaed list of controls inclued, and purrrrrhaps even a few screenshots :)

* f0dder gets off Renegade's back.

Tip: mention which platform it's for (my first guess would be .NET, but not everyone knows you :)), and perhaps a copy-pastaed list of controls inclued, and purrrrrhaps even a few screenshots :)

* f0dder gets off Renegade's back.-f0dder (March 14, 2011, 02:39 AM)
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What is inside?

ScheduleSet Calendars

Show and Manipulate Date Based Information.

EntrySet Controls

User interface controls to create data entry forms.

EntrySet Extenders

New visual and functional features for old controls.

EntrySet Lists

List controls for accessing and displaying data.

ActionSet Navigators

Access and Outlook Style Navigators.

ActionSet RibbonUI

User Interface in the Microsoft Office 2007 style.
--- End quote ---

* Renegade shakes off laziness.

* f0dder flips Renegade a good-effort coin


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