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PythonProtoCards - Prototype Card Game Images - v1.5.01 - 9/9/12

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Appreciate the idea, but Python is not my strongest language and there's nothing very special about the codebase.
-mouser (September 09, 2012, 02:30 PM)
--- End quote ---

Understood. But it doesn't need to be particularly special. Or about Python per se.  All it would need to illustrate is how a code project/app gets designed and put together.  :)

But never mind. I was just thinking out loud anyway. ;D

A different approach but related to programmatically generating lots of card designs is Nandeck, also free.
Hi Mouser,

Congratulations from Brazil to this very nice LIB and for the work you are doing here.

I am using your Python Lib and as I am a noob python programmer I have this question for you:

How can I set the upper Text to not be in UPPERCASE? I've tried some changes, but I can't still handle it.

Thanks in advance and keep this great job up.


Finally the first user of the library!  :)
Welcome Zaq.

Ok so I'm assuming you are using one of my sample scripts as a starting point.  In that code look for a call to .upper() and remove that.  That's the call that is uppercaseing the string.

So for example in samples\codycards\,


--- ---    title = pobj.get_propertyval("title","")


--- ---    title = pobj.get_propertyval("title","")
Thank you mouser.

You have no idea what many things you can do with your LIB.

I got excited to learn Python just because your Library.

I have some good ideas to use  your library.

My first is to help children to learn alphabet. For example: one card I will put the letter "T" in other I will write the word "Tree" and say to children:  "T" as in "Tree", and so on...

Other nice thing to do: memory game. Print twice the card in a good paper and play with kids too.

I am studing a lot your website. Everyday I read things here I got more impressed with the great work you all are doing. I hope soon have time to share some things and projects with the members.

Thank you again mouser.



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