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The Onion News Network - Funniest Satire Site on the Planet Lampoons the News

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It's getting better. They do an amazing job.  :Thmbsup:

The tv show is not as funny as i had hoped -- i find the online shorts funnier.  But let's give them some time to get into their groove.  it still has some high points and is miles better than saturday night live and their other competition.

The tv show is not as funny as i had hoped -- i find the online shorts funnier.  But let's give them some time to get into their groove.  it still has some high points and is miles better than saturday night live and their other competition.
-mouser (February 22, 2011, 11:45 AM)
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I always found SNL a bit dull. The jokes were too obvious and the slapstick wasn't remotely clever. A few good ones, but in general, blah.

Onion News has moments. It's getting better. The first was ok. There was one skit last week, I forget which, that had me roaring.

I like the satire in it. Much better than a lot of humor.


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