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Non-english characters changed to underscore when renaming a screenshot

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mouser, time to move to a compiler+framework that supports unicode? *nudge nudge* :)

Jesper: if Århus can change to Aarhus, you can write "traadloest netvaerk" :P

Finding a unicode compiler is not so much a problem.. but where do i trade my old out of date brain in for a unicode brain?

Finding a unicode compiler is not so much a problem.. but where do i trade my old out of date brain in for a unicode brain?-mouser (February 10, 2011, 02:45 PM)
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:) - not as big a problem as getting all the components you're using updated to unicode-supporting versions, imho.

Jesper Hertel:
Ah, so it's a Unicode problem... There is no other way than changing to Unicode?

Can UTF-8 be used in some way as a half-way solution? I know, though, that UTF-8 has its own challenges with characters of differing lengths from 1 to 6 bytes per character, making string slicing and character counting quite difficult.

But... I am able to type the Danish letters in the input box... Then they have to be converted to 1 byte/character strings? ASCII??

And yes, I could use the translations ae, oe and aa for æ, ø and å, but then I have to think of that every time... I hope to avoid that... :)

UTF-8 is just one form of unicode representation - generally tends to require more work than the UTF-16 Windows uses internally (this used to be UCS-2 for older NT versions). Long story, though :)

In general a lot of languages, at least simple ones like our Danish, can be handled without going unicode, because of codepages; for non-unicode apps, Windows internally maps back and forth between UTF-16 and a 8bit codepage-specific encoding.

My guess is this particular bug is because mouser, or one of the components he relies on, uses one of the C++ library functions to ask "is this an ASCII character?" or "is this a printable character?" - which tend to say "nope, it isn't" for characters outside the 7bit ASCII range. In an english-only world, it makes sense to replace those "unprintable" characters with underscores :)


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