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Why is my computer hiccuping every few seconds?

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Do you find that music randomly splutters and sounds juddery from time to time when your opening up process heavy software?
-Stephen66515 (February 08, 2011, 08:54 PM)
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Hmm, I haven't paid attention.  I don't think so, as I would probably have noticed.  I listen to music almost constantly and haven't noticed anything like that.  My computer is pretty beefy, as far as specs, and I hardly come close to pushing the limits, so i don't run into things like that normally.  My problems are always stupid little things like in this thread because I have dozens upon dozens of utilities running at once.  I'm like the opposite of those late 90's typical Windows users who would be vigilant about turning off as many services as possible.  You know who you are!  Everyone here has probably had a phase like that at some point in their lives!!  The other cult is the OCD defragger.

I'll keep an ear out, if I notice it, I'll post.

Stephen, you are crazy man!!

Seriously, it was funny, but would you mind removing that post?  I only say it because someone may come to this thread looking for the answer to this same question, and now your long post hides the answer at the bottom.  you've turned it into Experts Exchange!
-superboyac (February 08, 2011, 08:59 PM)
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No, but I have removed it and also added a serious question in (spluttering) - I only ask cause Windows 7 also judders pure randomly for me, and can only really be reproduced by playing music and opening up resource heavy software while im at it
-Stephen66515 (February 08, 2011, 09:04 PM)
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I have an old slow 9x pc that that hiccuping can only be remedied by playing music, constantly.

 ;D do you play the music upside-down?

Just for interests sake, what version of Firefox are you using?

I'm running the nightly build of v4 and I can't say I've ever noticed anything like that.

[edit] this probably not much help... [/edit]

FF has not been behaving well at all for me over the last couple of months.

* Hogging memory (even more than usual);
* shows for ages in task manager after having been closed
* after being open some time, slow to respond to mouse and keyboard
* => needs restarts more often
but I'm too lazy to start disabling extensions to try find the problem...


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