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Web images to get expiration date -- no, no, no!

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This sounds more like some sort of DRM...

A photographer uploads images to the internet that expire in 30 days. Every 30 days he has to upload a new copy. Since he has the originals, he can do that. Those that steal his photos will not have them for very long, because they will still expire in 30 days.

Problem: How are they going to handle screen capture software from making unencrypted copies?

If the idea is that social networks themselves will use this technology on all images uploaded, then that wouldn't work well either.

Imagine someone that has many photos of themselves with their friends uploaded to facebook...someone with a lot of friends. Something happens and he dies a tragic death. His profile gets memorialized. All of a sudden photos start disappearing because they have expired. Now you have lots of angry people that can no longer visit their dead friend's profile and see all the pictures of all those memories.

Just sounds like a form of DRM to me.

I could see it working on something like Facebook, but it'd have to be opt in. As app suggests there are a number of reasons people wouldn't want their own pictures to just start disappearing from the web. I'm sure many people rely on Facebook as their sole backup, or even the only copy, of their most cherished albums.

Also, how many people realize a picture is embarrassing/inappropriate at the time?. It's only later you look back in shame, especially for teenagers.

It's only later you look back in shame, especially for teenagers.
-Eóin (January 30, 2011, 09:30 AM)
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Hehe~! When I was a teen, there were no digital cameras. It would be funny though to see pictures of people back then with bad haircuts, drunk and high as a kite~!

It would be funny though to see pictures of people back then with bad haircuts, drunk and high as a kite~!
-Renegade (January 30, 2011, 03:36 PM)
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In that case, here's a mental image for you. Back in the 60's my long hair caught in my bicycle wheel and I wound up to be a spokesman.

Hehe~! When I was a teen, there were no digital cameras. It would be funny though to see pictures of people back then with bad haircuts, drunk and high as a kite~! -Renegade (January 30, 2011, 03:36 PM)
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Back in my day (love that phrase), we didn't do the stupid "jackass" stuff people do today. I have always told my students to take a picture of themselves and show it to their kids someday. The kids will LAUGH THEIR ARSES OFF at you, I promise. Same likely for the music you liked. They never believe me, but I've had many come back decades later and say, "You were right."

I'd hate to be a kid these days. There's no way you had the fun we did in the 60s and 70s. Yea, we had long sideburns and flare pants. But they were comfortable and showed off our high heels. ha! Oh well, I'm going there. What's funny is that most of these things -- and people -- are still around, and some still relevant.

Kwai Chang Caine changed my life (a little).

Indulgence over.


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