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auspex on downloadsquad today:

Ooh! A very generous article.

... despite the mention of "bugs"  :-[

Ooh! A very generous article.-timns
--- End quote ---

Well deserved timns!  :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup:

... despite the mention of "bugs"  :-[
-timns (January 13, 2011, 11:49 AM)
--- End quote ---
I did get my Redmine account today, and plan to write up some of the issues I see with Auspex later, but yes, there are some... :o

Build 78
New Features

    * Now I know where my icons came from, FamFam freely given full acknowledgement
    * Same for nudone of who did the really good ones
    * Removed the multiple cut-n-paste feature. It's outside the scope of what Auspex is really all about, and there are a lot of really nice multi-clipboard applications out there
    * Added new tokens for additional date and time formats

Bug Fixes

    * Splash screen can now be switched off (but why would you want to?) :)
    * Fixed issue where some users were not getting characters like '@' in Replacements
    * Form resizing limited so you can't hide the controls in the left pane
    * Fixed a couple of case-sensitivity issues


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