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That's some darned good research! Glad I didn't see this before I kicked off my project. ;)

Then again, there's certainly a lot more than one of any type of software by now. Always room for another pretender  :-[

Hi! This is quite a promising piece of software, thanks for taking the time to build it! I've tried a lot of productivity tools, my current favorite is Autohotkey. However, it really seems Auspex has something unique in the way it dynamically recognizes often-used words (it works fine side-by-side with Autohotkey btw).

Some bugs I'd like to share:

[1.] Keypresses in quick succession seem to get mixed up (see attachments "1-1" until "1-4")
  - When editing code, I often want to insert a new line between two existing lines. Therefore, I position the cursor at the start of the line above which I want to insert the new line. Then I press Enter, quickly followed by Up. The problem is: if there is not enough delay (<±250ms.) between the two keypresses, Up gets sent first, followed by Enter. Result: the new line gets inserted at the wrong position.
  - A seemingly related problem arises when using Alt+Tab to switch applications (e.g. switching from Word to Notepad). Switching apps still works, but when I switch quickly (just a quick press on Alt+Tab and immediately releasing both keys), a Tab is sent to the switched-to application. Keeping Alt pressed for ±500ms. longer solves the problem.
(I've tried this with or without Autohotkey running, but the problem stays)
(maybe it's related, but when I examine the file Auspex.xml, I find that a lot of candidate sentences have spaces written at positions where I haven't typed them - either that or my typing is way worse than I think...; e.g. name="Thiss entence comesf rom thef ile auspex.xml")

[2.] Some Ctrl+keycombinations produce unwanted extra keypresses in some applications (see attachments "2-1" and "2-2")
  - In Word/Outlook, pressing Ctrl+I sends a Tab-keypress before the Ctrl+I is sent (doesn't happen in Excel or Notepad though).
  - In Word/Notepad/Outlook, the same with Ctrl+M: this sends an Enter-keypress before the Ctrl+M is sent (particularly nasty in Outlook, since Ctrl+Enter is the shortcut to send the message; pressing Ctrl+M now has the same effect...).
  - No problems with any other hotkeys (e.g. Ctrl+B or Ctrl+U).
You probably know this, but these hotkeys are ancient ASCII-keycombinations (e.g.  Ctrl+I -> Tab; Ctrl+M -> Enter; Maybe it has something to do with it?

[3.] Backspacing isn't always recognized correctly
  - e.g. I have an Autocomplete "magnificent"
  - Typing "mag" makes the pop-up appear
  - By the time my brain sees the pop-up, I've already erroneously typed "magin" (autocompleting now would result in "maginificent")
  - Backspacing to "mag", pressing Tab to Autocomplete -> Result: "magificent"

[4.] AutoCompletions sometimes disappear and appear twice after re-inserting (see attachments "4-1" and "4-2")
  - While typing the text above, I noticed "magnificent" did not get recognized at alle anymore (it had also disappeared from the AutoCompletions list in Auspex; didn't show up after pressing Refresh).
  - So I made Auspex re-insert it by typing it a few times in a row. Now it gets recognized again, but the popup shows the same word twice.
  - Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to reproduce this.

Low-priority feature request: When I select a folder in Auspex, the left pane becomes non-editable. It would be nice if I could make changes to this pane and the changes would be applied to all underlying items (see attachment "5-1").
  - E.g. changing the "Triggered by"-key for the folder "AutoCompletions" would apply the selected key to all AutoComplete-items.
  - It would be nice if the selected "Triggered by"-key would also be applied automatically to newly recognized autocompletions (for autocomplete, I like Enter better than Tab).

Pentium 4, 3.00 GHz, 1,5 GB
OS: Windows XP Professional SP 3
Microsoft Office Version 2007
Keyboard layout: Language="Dutch", Layout="United States"; I sometimes switch to Layout="United States (International)"

P.S. I'm new to DonationCoder, so apologies for any stupid questions/obvious remarks on my part...

Always room for another pretender  :-[
-timns (January 11, 2011, 04:53 PM)
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Oh, Auspex isn't something that needs to be thrown…   :o

Ok that is a most impressive piece of error reporting! I'll certainly take a look at all of these issues, and I also like your suggestion of being able to make bulk changes to items.

Thank you! I'll turn your report into a series of redmine issues to they can be tracked.

I'm working on a new release of Auspex this weekend so I shall see if I can get some of these extras fixed too.

Oh yes, and welcome to DC  :Thmbsup:

Always room for another pretender  :-[
-timns (January 11, 2011, 04:53 PM)
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Oh, Auspex isn't something that needs to be thrown…   :o
-cranioscopical (January 13, 2011, 07:59 AM)
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usurpenly do come up with marvellous puns, Mr Cranio  :tellme:


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