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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

USB Daisy-Chaining gone haywire

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Now, you can do just about anything with a usb device. But the real answer people have been waiting is can you cook bacon via usb? Well, now you can!

Would you eat the bacon?


Would you eat the bacon?
-Josh (December 20, 2010, 08:31 AM)
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Some acts are rash and some are rasher.

I know my sister would eat the bacon! She lives in Qatar, and when she gets out, she goes nuts on pig meat~! :D

But yeah, I'd eat the bacon too~!

Super! Next time I feel the urge to 'barde the dongle' I know exactly what accessory to buy!  :P


Some acts are rash and some are rasher.

-cranioscopical (December 20, 2010, 08:46 AM)
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One of your best ever (dare I say 'prime') ribs, Mr.C!  ;D  :Thmbsup:


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