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IDEA: Internet disconnection logger

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I take that back, it looks like Karen Kenworthy's Net Monitor can do just what you want.

Net Monitor
-techidave (November 05, 2010, 05:40 AM)
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Thank you very much! The shortest setting is once per minute, but I guess that will have to do.

Stoic Joker:
Wow! That is a nightmare.

One test that is left is for a crossed pair between you and the CO.

During one of the many battles I had with them I managed to raise enough hell to warrant two techs at the house with a third "on call" at the CO.

They disconnected the wiring on my end.

They disconnected the wiring on their end.

They connected a handset to the now (allegidly...) completely "disconnected" pair that ran between me and the CO...

...And were rather astonished to hear an old woman talking a mile a minute (and quite clearly I might add).

That's when they (finally) really looked at the cable pair I was connected to the CO with ... And discovered it made several trips (random loops actually) up and down a 2 mile strip of road by my house before heading over to the CO (where it was supposed to go directly) in addition to being crossed with the nice chatty lady's phone line (and etc.).

You may have something like that going on.

Thank you very much! The shortest setting is once per minute, but I guess that will have to do.
-app103 (November 05, 2010, 08:08 AM)
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If once per minute is too short, April, I can write you up Coding Snack to do what you want.

I take it, it's one of those routers supplied by the ISP that you don't have access to the configuration?

Most routers offer some form of logging.

Otherwise, SLCheck might do what you want.

I take it, it's one of those routers supplied by the ISP that you don't have access to the configuration?

Most routers offer some form of logging.

Otherwise, SLCheck might do what you want.
-4wd (November 08, 2010, 11:26 PM)
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Yes, it is one of theirs, and amazingly enough I do have access to the configuration...but it doesn't seem to save more than 2 days worth of logs.

Thanks for the other software suggestion, but I think I'll keep using Karen's Net Meter. Even though I can't set it more frequently than every 60 seconds, it seems to be doing a fair job of logging the all the disconnections any way.


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